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The biggest Ukrainian crowdfunding charity foundation that advocates and protects interests of children with cancer in Ukraine.
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The biggest Charitable Foundation in Ukraine that has been helping Ukrainian families to beat cancer as well as helping doctors to save the lives of children since 2011.

As a socially active company we always attract attention to social problems and spread our passion for help in meaningful partnership with Charitable Foundation Tabletochki.

As part of this partnership, HeyLink.me designed custom themes that served as a vehicle for raising awareness and funds for Tabletochki's charitable endeavors. Through the custom themes, Tabletochki shared inspiring success stories of the children they support, and provided a seamless way for supporters to donate, volunteer, or get involved in their various initiatives of supporting children with cancer.

Furthermore, HeyLink.me actively promoted Tabletochki campaigns through its extensive user network, amplifying the Foundation's reach and impact.

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The biggest Charitable Foundation in Ukraine that has been helping Ukrainian families to beat cancer as well as helping doctors to save the lives of children since 2011.

As a socially active company we always attract attention to social problems and spread our passion for help in meaningful partnership with Charitable Foundation Tabletochki.

As part of this partnership, HeyLink.me designed custom themes that served as a vehicle for raising awareness and funds for Tabletochki's charitable endeavors. Through the custom themes, Tabletochki shared inspiring success stories of the children they support, and provided a seamless way for supporters to donate, volunteer, or get involved in their various initiatives of supporting children with cancer.

Furthermore, HeyLink.me actively promoted Tabletochki campaigns through its extensive user network, amplifying the Foundation's reach and impact.

Bekijk andere sjablonen voor onze partnerschappen