If you're looking for a less invasive alternative to surgery, you've come to the right place. At QC Kinetix (Wilkes Barre), we specialize in non-surgical regenerative medicine treatments for joint pain. We provide sports medicine in Wilkes Barre to help you relieve chronic joint pain so you can return to your normal activities as quickly as possible. We offer regenerative therapies to help you relieve chronic joint pain by gently restoring damaged tissues and targeting inflammation, which is an excellent way to manage joint pain. If you're looking for a knee replacement, hip surgery, hip replacement, or relief from shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, or treatment for sports injuries—call us today! We can help you get relief while avoiding surgery so you can return to your normal activities as quickly as possible. We've been helping people around Plains, PA and surrounding areas with our regenerative medicine services. Call us today to know more about us!