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Razom for Ukraine
Custom Theme for non-profit Ukrainian-American human rights organisation
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Non-profit (since 2014) supporting people of Ukraine in their continued quest for democracy and progress.

In this partnership, HeyLink.me worked closely with Razom for Ukraine to develop four custom themes that reflect the organization's unique identity and goals. These themes were designed to enhance the Razom UA online presence, reflect the organization's values, making it easier for them to connect with supporters, showcasing their mission - unlock the potential of Ukraine and promote Ukrainian culture, community, and humanitarian projects.

With HeyLink.me's user-friendly interface, Razom for Ukraine can easily update their links and content, ensuring that their supporters are always in the know about upcoming events, fundraisers, and important updates.

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Non-profit (since 2014) supporting people of Ukraine in their continued quest for democracy and progress.

In this partnership, HeyLink.me worked closely with Razom for Ukraine to develop four custom themes that reflect the organization's unique identity and goals. These themes were designed to enhance the Razom UA online presence, reflect the organization's values, making it easier for them to connect with supporters, showcasing their mission - unlock the potential of Ukraine and promote Ukrainian culture, community, and humanitarian projects.

With HeyLink.me's user-friendly interface, Razom for Ukraine can easily update their links and content, ensuring that their supporters are always in the know about upcoming events, fundraisers, and important updates.

View other our partnerships templates